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Inaugural address of the 29th President of Harvard,Larry Bacow.
“It is up to us to leave our country and our world a better place tomorrow than it is today,” Larry Bacow
Serie "Proceso Electoral 2018".
Ante el panorama nacional, el Club tiene planeado una serie de eventos con el objetivo de escuchar de primera mano la ideología detrás de los distintos actores y partidos políticos y poder contribuir a la difusión de ideas desde un foro abierto, inclu
Cocktail. Correspondents from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal.
We'll have the honor of having Azam Ahmed from the NYT, Joshua Partlow, Mexico City Bureau Chief for The WP, and Jose de Cordoba from The WSJ. Moderated by Former US Ambassador and Senior VP for Global Energy, IHS Carlos Pascual, KSG 1982. SAVE THE DATE!
Harvard College Admissions Website
We now have a Harvard College Admissions Website completely in Spanish! -
Harvard College. "...Harvard is One University with a Million Things to Explore..."
From Harvard College Admissions and Financial Aid, experience undergraduate life at Harvard through the people who know it and love it.